Friends, in my bathroom I eliminated some expensive cabinetry that would have been stunning. WE all know that sometimes the budget doesn't support our desires or that we just need to be more responsible and save for other expenses that might pop up during a renovation. Thankfully, I found a way to enhance this focal wall for a fraction of the cost without the cabinetry and I'm even happier than I was with the original plan. My dear mother gave me a gorgeous, antique brass tray for my birthday last year which weighs about 55 lbs. Thanks Mama--you've taught me everything I know!!! I had a picture light installed for some existing art. Now I have a place to put bath products, fresh flowers and a marvelous focal you can view from the bedroom. It's all about creating vistas from room to room and I have plenty of storage. I knew in my heart that if storage was a problem it was because I needed to purge anyway:)
